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How FSO as-a-service revolutionises observability for SMBs

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Written by Team Perform IT

Full-Stack Observability (FSO), delivered through solutions like the Cisco Observability Platform offers businesses an unparalleled ability to monitor, manage, and optimise their IT, extending visibility across environments and driving business value across their organisation.

However, FSO solutions have typically only been accessible to larger enterprises, who can justify the expense of implementing them and dedicate their own IT resource to monitoring and managing them.

But with FSO as-a-service, small- and medium-sized businesses can also harness these powerful solutions to drive business value and ensure they can remain competitive with larger firms. 

Our managed FSO service

It’s no secret that the rise of as-a-service solutions has been a benefit to small- and medium-sized businesses. Low barriers to entry, minimal upfront costs, and subscription pricing allow businesses to harness market-leading software, without needing to concern themselves with the difficulties of setting up and managing their own datacentre infrastructure to host the solution.

Meanwhile, observability solutions can revolutionise how businesses operate – extending their view across their entire environment, and even into areas beyond their control, such as public clouds or even the internet at large. With this information, teams can derive meaningful insights that grow the business value of their IT. 

That’s why we’ve pioneered our managed FSO service, a pay-as-you-go offering that delivers enterprise-level observability solutions to small and mid-sized businesses, giving access to market-leading Cisco technology, without needing to worry about setting up the solution from scratch, or the upfront costs of implementing this valuable technology.

With observability functions delivered as part of a managed service, businesses don’t just avoid the difficulty of setting up the solution – they’re able to tap into the expertise they need to garner useful insights from the data gathered by FSO tools. Managed service expertise can compile dashboards and reports that correlate IT events to meaningful business outcomes – such as order value – and help identify areas for optimisation and improvement which might have been overlooked by in-house teams or conventional monitoring tools.

Once the initial setup is complete, an organisation can tailor the service to the exact functions they need – and alter those functions as needed in order to drive the maximum business value. Entering into a period of high demand? Scale up the scope of your monitoring to ensure any issues that arise are swiftly remediated. Looking to optimise for the next year? Ask our experts to generate a report based on past data to find potential areas for optimisation.

This doesn’t just give SMBs access to enterprise-level tools, but also top-notch insights and expertise in order to derive the most value from those tools, freeing up your own IT team to work on helping your business scale and remain at the cutting edge of innovation.

Why harness FSO?

The need for FSO is almost intuitive for larger enterprises – in the largest organisations, IT environments quickly become labyrinthine as years of new applications, containers, and even entire infrastructures pile up on top of one another. In these circumstances, it’s easy to see that the task of extending visibility across the entire environment is beyond human scale, and requires advanced tooling just to make it all function. 

But here’s the kicker: it doesn’t take a gigantic IT environment for complexities and blind spots to creep in and present issues. Modern application architectures are built on a complex network of dependencies, often straddling multiple clouds and on-prem infrastructures. For all the benefits offered by modern application architectures, working with them creates a perfect storm for observability headaches. 

By harnessing the power of FSO, small and mid-sized businesses can maintain a crystal-clear view across their environment, able to understand complex application and infrastructure interactions with minimal effort. While this is a benefit in its own right, it also drives further benefits down the line:

  • Effortless migration: With complete maps of application dependencies, and accurate views of what resources an application requires, migration between environments becomes effortless, allowing organisations to ensure their applications are always in the perfect environment, and they’re always getting the maximum value from their IT infrastructure, and making the most of their budgets.

  • Rapid remediation: SMBs thrive when they can deliver exceptional digital experiences to their customers. With complete observability across their technology stack, IT teams can identify the root cause of issues 90% faster,[1] handling any issues before they can impact digital experience to keep end users satisfied.

  • Extend IT resource: Smaller businesses need to fully capitalise on their limited budgets, but IT teams end up spending inordinate amounts of time just keeping the lights on, rather than driving further business value. With FSO able to condense the key information from across an environment, IT teams are free to allocate their time more effectively – this is even more true with our managed FSO service, which alleviates the burden of day-to-day monitoring entirely.

Cutting-edge observability solutions and expert guidance give a competitive digital edge to smaller businesses and help them level-up with their larger peers, and with an as-a-service model, the usual barriers to entry disappear.

Our FSO managed service focuses on the key issues you’re facing now, addressing them through the actionable insights delivered by the service, and helping lay the groundwork for observability to drive value and positive outcomes across your business.

If you’d like to learn more about our managed FSO service reach out to our team today.
